Wednesday, April 16, 2008

An Elephant in a China Shop

Today, I changed the caption under the title of this blog to:

"An elephant in a china shop is an over-cautious elephant. There are so many beautiful things around him, and he knows that he is clumsy, so he has always moved through life a wee bit too gingerly, to a point where it seems he is afraid even to live to the fullest. Well, that, hopefully, is going to change soon."

Honestly, when I chose "An Elephant in a China Shop" as the title of my blog, I had no idea why I did that. All that talk about "writing a post about what an elephant is doing is a china shop" was just a bunch of nonsense I wrote at that time for not knowing what else to write.

But today, it suddenly dawned on me that, indeed, I had thus far been an elephant in a china shop: a clumsy being, surrounded by so many delicate things (past achievements, present possessions, etc.), he is afraid to venture forth again, fearing that he would destroy those beautiful temporal things surrounding him.

Well, that, hopefully, is going to change.

Yes, it is going to change.


But first, I need to buy another desk for all the things I am going to do...

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