Sunday, June 15, 2008

Step On It!

My wife is very, um, "straight".

No, I do not mean "straight" as in the opposite of "gay" (but she is "straight" as in the opposite of "gay", nonetheless).

And no, I also do not mean "straight" as in the opposite of "dishonest" (again, she is also "straight" as in the opposite of "dishonest", of course).

But what I mean is, well, she is very, er, "straight". I can't think of another word. Allow me to illustrate instead:

This afternoon, she was inflating a limp basketball with a foot pump. Wanting to hold the ball steady while inflating it, she squatted down and worked on the foot pump with her hand.

After a while, she got up and tested the ball by letting it fall and bounce off the floor.

"It's better now, but still not bouncy enough. I think it needs more air," she said.

Wanting to tell her to work on the foot pump with her foot, which should be faster, easier and more effective than using her hand, I simply said, "Step on it with your foot." (Actually, I said in Mandarin: 用脚踏. I am a man of few words, if you would believe me.)

And she obediently placed the ball on the floor and stepped on it with her right foot.

I practically rolled on the floor laughing my ass off.


Conclusion: my wife is very, very "straight" (直) (Penang's Hokkien people should understand this expression perfectly).

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