Monday, September 14, 2009

Dumbo in the Kitchen - #15: The Near-Perfect Poached Egg

When I have noodle soup, I prefer poached eggs over fried eggs or hard-boiled eggs. But it is not easy doing it right - solid white and runny yolk - without some special equipment.

The other day, I got it near perfect (without any special tool), and I realized the following keys to a successful poached egg:

1) Fresh eggs (as anyone who knows how to cook eggs will tell you: the white of fresher eggs stick together better);

2) Shallow water (whatever type of pan you use, make sure you have only enough water to cover the eggs; if the water is too deep, the momentum of the eggs "plunging" into the water will surely disperse the egg white); and

3) The water should be simmering rather than boiling, that is to say, make sure the water is still. To do this, after bringing the water to a boil, turn the flame down as low as possible, then wait till the water calms down before carefully putting in the eggs.

And the result was marvelous. :-)

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