Sunday, March 9, 2008

Democracy Under Construction

After 50 years of being touted as a democratic country, the first layer of bricks is finally laid onto a "democracy" whose foundations have been laid half a century ago.

Who delayed the construction? I would not place all the blames on the leaders past and present. In a democracy, it is the responsibility of the people to think for themselves what they need, not to wait for their parties or government to tell them what they should have.

But don't immediately label me as a hardcore opposition supporter. I have no great love for any of the political parties. They are necessary, but that does not mean that I must adore them. Therefore, without feeling any particular affection towards either the ruling coalition or the opposition camps, my sentiment is: it is always good that a pseudo-democracy - including both its government and its people - is awakened from its stupor and complacence to realize that "democracy" means the people do have a choice after all.

And to me, that is the real victory.


Even if that victory means at least four years of life under an under-funded state government. ;-p Steep price, but worth every penny of it.

1 comment:

SMS said...

Hell Yeah!!

I agree with you. Too long have some people say that you have a choice but then trying to scare people from making a choice.

Its like making DAP a boogeyman that will take certain rights, but they themselves are doing it.

People have spoken, hear them or we will speak louder next election.

I have 2 things to say to 2 politician.
Samy Vellu - its an act of God that you lost :P
Zainuddin Maidin - All the propaganda on TV cannot even save your post :P

Is that controversial enough? :D